Solution To Almajiri System of Education in Nigeria

By Abdullahi Shafi'u Tukur
The issue  of Almajiri system has been one of the major topics of concern in this 21st century which consequently lead to many opinionated articles speaking for and mostly against  the system. Historically, Almajiri is derived from the Arabic word “Almuhajirun”, which means an emigrant. It usually refers to person
who migrates from his home town  to another place in search of Islamic knowledge from a popular Islamic scholar. It originated from the time when companions of the Holy Prophet of Islam migrated from Mecca to Madina.

In northern Nigeria,The history of Almijiri can be traced back to the time of pre-colonial era, when the Kanem-Borno Empire, one of the oldest ruling empires in Africa, extending from the frontiers of Northern Nigeria introduced the system. It was extended to other Northern states such as Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna and many other Hausa dominated states. However, the knowledge was latter passed across the Chadian region up to the borders of Libya and many other west African states. It was established as an organized and structured system of education for learning Islamic principles, values, jurisprudence and theology. It was a replica of Islamic learning centres in many Muslim countries suchas the madrasah in Pakistan, Malaysia, Egypt and Indonesia.

At its Initial stage, the system of Almajiri was not too bad like now. Furthermore, most of the states the  almajiris lived as of then, they (the almajiris) served as farmers of groundnuts, cotton and many other farm products. In the former Sokoto empire, they were the leather tanners, shoes and bags makers. They formed majorly traders in Kano state. In Zaria they were the weavers and tailors. They contributed then to the nation's economy. According to professor Fafunwa,  there were 6,000 Almajiri schools in northern Nigeria at that time.

Ironically,the  Almajiris we knew yesterday are quite different from the ones we see today, because now Almajiris are no longer hard workers or self reliant, they absolutely depend on the society for their  survival, the only resort they take as the means of feeding  themselves is through begging and other criminal and illegal ways that are totally banned and forbidden in Islam.

The system of Almijari today has been totally bastardized to the extent that  Almajiris today live in an unhiegenic  environment where a room of two or three people accommodates more than twenty sleeping in it. With the absence of cross ventilation, communicable diseases are easily and simply transmitted among themselves.

Compare to it's early stage, The way they are learning today is totally unprofessional and not well structured, which make  them spend many years without memorizing the complete Qur'an.  Instead of carrying out their primary  responsibilities, They are totally exploited by Mallams, who selfishly expose them to farming without any incentive in return.

   However, since all these Almajiri schools are established primarily to teach people about Islamic values, principles and jurisprudence,  there is need for the government to provide strict rules and regulation that will guide the system. Anybody sending his child to the  school must equally provide him with food, shelter and must be visited constantly. There is also need for government to include and subsidize Islamic system of education in Islamic states within its curriculum. By doing that, people will have no reason of sending their children to Tsangaya school since government subsidizes the learning process.  If Almajiri system is to be maintained, then there is need for Governmen to build  schools that all Almijiris could be accommodated, which will consequently eliminate  the begging on our streets.

Finally, parents marketers and other Islamic organisations should provide the necessary incentives that can help them to learn  conveniently.


  1. I totally disagree with this motion that Almajiri Schools should be built. With which resources will they be built? And secondly, advocating for Almajiri type of learning to continue is like advocating for travelers to continue using Camels as their means of transportation! That way of learning is now extinct and must be phased out if we must develop our society. In this age of Information Technology, you're still talking about Almajiri Schools? Don't you know there are mobile apps that can teach the Holy Quran? Apps that can teach Arabic??? Frankly, I am very disappointed that a student of Mass Communications should be reasoning like this...

  2. You said " With which
    resources will they be built? " if you go through my article I have made mention that " There is also need for
    government to include and
    subsidize Islamic system of
    education in Islamic states within
    its curriculum" that means, I limited it to only Islamic states, because you can not stop people from learning their religious knowledge, and government wants them to learn conventional knowledge. So there is need for it to comprise both for the survival of the other.

    secondly, you said " That way of
    learning is now extinct and
    must be phased out if we
    must develop our society". I think the reason why you said this is because you are bias may be with religious sentiment or regionalism. Go and look for the history of Almajiri during colonial period you will be shocked how they majorly produced raw material taken by British col. Govt. No body say that acquiring religious knowledge is forbidden in any country's constitution like our own in chapter four of 1999 constitution. The Only thing to say the system of learning is highly unstructured and unprofessional, and that does'nt make it illegal practice that should be stopped.

    And then you said there are mobile app that QURAN can be learned without going to any institution. Yes, I believe but why are you going to school to learn since there are those apps and Tutorial for any course.

    And then finally, a student of mass communication/ journalism must reason like this and also be neutral in his journalistic work. Because everybody's right must be preserve and protect sinse we are in democratic dispensation.


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