Graduation from the university is a thing of joy and excitement, in fact it is an accomplishment. Another phase of life is starting. The critical and soul searching question to every graduating students is - after graduation, what next?

Am sure that is the question in the minds of many final year students, some have decided what to do and sadly, many have not. After the stress of spending years in the university to acquire a degree. Right from the day you got admission into the institution, collected your admission letter, in fact the whole registration process and on and on like that, as many you can remember to this very point of your life. After all the excitement of leaving what do you want to do with your life that will be meaningful to you and the society around you?

The  wider world outside the campus is very large, complex and competitive, to survive is like the survival of the fittest for most people . The wider world is filled with graduates churned out of the various tertiary institutions yearly, some roaming the streets of various cities becoming nuisance to the society, while others are positively engaged doing things useful to their lives and impacting the society positively. What category will you be after leaving the campus?

Well, it is not late to make the right decision for your life. Right now is the most appropriate time to start thinking about life after graduation if you have not done so.  Plan what you want to be and where you want to be. Planning is not everything but it is the starting point. As the saying goes "he who fails to plan, plans to fail".

Entrepreneurship  is recommended as the way forward ( although there are other ways) , as there are not many 'white collar' jobs out there for everyone. There is something everyone is good at, and can do, think of what you can do best. Use it to better yourself and the society around you. Will you add up to the number of people impacting their generation for the better or will you be among the laggards?
