A MESSAGE TO THE YOUTHS:U13mm1173 Patrick Omoake

An old adage has it that: " Rome was not built in a day"is always a striking word that the youths of today should always ponder on. A graduate of today has his or her mind set on securing a profitable employment either with the government or with a reputable organisation. And with this it has led to a high number of unemployed youths in the country because the job opportunity in the country today is limited.
       We the youths don't have to wait for the government to employ us or even an organisation but instead we should think of creating jobs for ourselves; we should try to be our own bosses. This will help to make us self reliant so as to relieve the burden placed on our parents in attending to our various needs and wants. Also, being self reliant will also reduce the high rate of crime and other social ills in the society.
    We the youths of today should think of something doing, have an idea,think of something lacking around your environment sieze that opportunity and develop it into realities.
You don't have to start big. Remember little drop of water makes a mighty ocean. Big entrepreneurs, captains of industries started little and today they are great giants in the country today. Never undermine little beginings, don't give up, keep hope alive, be determined and committed, stay focused and you will see your little effort become something great. I see you at the top
