By Faith Esechie-U14MM2027

Photo credit: freestockphotos
Mankind has undergone technological developments that marvel the world. These changes are neither miracles nor magic. There are applications of knowledge and innovations that have improved the way we live. These developments cut across captivating literatures to architectures, engineering, science, medicine and now technology. Each time these changes occur, our communication also changes to incorporate them.
 Before you blink your eyes, take a look at some of the new words that technology of internet has brought into our everyday lives.
 Selfie: technology has smuggled this word into the vocabs of modern man. The word sprang from online platform in 2001 in Australia and entered into popularity in 2004. It means to take portrait of self manually by small camera or mobile phone and With the help of social media, selfie had gained dominant ground in our daily spoken words and deeds and has entered oxford dictionary since 2013.
 Emoji: If you use facebook, twitter, instagram, 2go, what's app, BBM etc, you probably know what I am talking about. It is a new word that has its origin from modern technology of electronic messaging. Emoji is that small image or icon use to express an idea or emotions in electronic communication. Emojis have emotional and predefined meaning in numbers of ways for lovers of icon and symbol in the chat rooms.
 Digital Wallet: has technology finally converting our physical cash into liquid? Digital wallet is a new word in the area of finance, commerce and global transactions which means an electronic device, website, software system or databases that facilities commercial transaction by storing a consumer's credit card, shipping, address and other payment. The word has since found its ways into the vocabulary of modern man with the aid of technology.
  Digital Detox: though technology has so many advantages to modern man, some individuals argued that using electronic devices obsessively might be harmful to our health. Because of this, some forks sometimes pack all their smartphones or computer and lock them up for days. Digital detox is the new word for their actions. It means a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interactions in the physical world.
 Slacktivism: have you being signing online petitions? This new word is probably for you. It means action performed via internet In support of a political or social cause but regarded as acquiring a little time or involvement. Without technology of internet, you will never get to know about this word.

 Phablet: yes you heard me well! Phablet is a new word that means a smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer. You are probably checking to know if your phone is phablet, Enjoy!
  Screenager: there is something unique about teenagers and those at early twenties; they like to try new things with enthusiasm! These flares of interest also follow them into how they handle things and internet use. Screenager is a very new word in technology that means a person in their teens or twenties who has an aptitude for computers games and the internet. This word is zooming fast into our daily vocabulary and even movie producers are using the word to form title of film.
 Fat Finger: I know some of us are guilty of this when typing, even if our fingers are slime. This new word is used to refer to clumsy or inaccurate typing, typically resulting from one finger striking two keys at the same time. You can now see how your typing activities on computers have added a new word to our vocabulary.

 Cyber Worrior: just some years back, our vocabulary was blessed with this new word. It means to infiltrate or sabotage information system against outside attack. It works like antivirus and many organizations are using it to soldier their database.
  Namefag: before you create any personal or group account on any online platform, you are definitely requested to input your name. That name you put there, whether real, fake or username is called namefag in technology and It is use to replace anonymous online users.
The list is inexhaustible therefore keep visiting our blog and flipping through our pages, who knows, perhaps your next visit might exactly be the time you will get the best of information you have been searching for across the web.
