When Prof. Wole Soyinka described his generation of Nigeria as wasted generation, I believe he was lamenting and hoping that the generation after his own will offer something better. But that generation happens to be worst than Soyinka’s generation.

The Sardauna’s and Tafawa Balewa never accumulate wealth; they provided quality education, support agriculture and generally worked on policies and programme that enhanced livelihoods. Those that inherited leadership from them became increasingly selfish, callously self-centered and inherently insensitive to the need of the people consequently what we now have as a governance template in Nigeria is an essentially gravitation towards primitive accumulation of wealth and its attendant woes.

This led to breakdown of both physical and social infrastructure and a collection of very powerful individual presiding over very weak and non-functional institutions of governance. Added to that is a total neglect of key productive sectors of agriculture, commerce and mining had succeeded in creating mainly crises and poverty in our country, the resultant consequences is that the ruling elites have succeeded in just creating tiny islands of riches within very vast oceans of poverty. In the process the interest of the people matter less, they simply sit as demigods in the mighty houses they build with ill-gotten money which for most part are only inhabited by rodents and lizards. They only use those houses when they come home to manipulate the political process to hoodwink the people on some matters they have personal interest in. and for most part their currency during such manipulative process exercise are Religion or tribe. However, if any reason they don’t have their way, they create so much instability in the system that will indicate to you that they have no care or concern for the people they claim to lead.

THE MORAL CHALLENGE…… for young people, one of the biggest dilemmas confronting us is the moral challenge. We are a nation of “praying people” but devoid of God fearing.
We have turned prayer to move of vital when you show your supposed Godliness in public while in real terms you continue to do all the things that God abhors. Where is our morality when a person steals money meant for building roads, hospitals, schools etc which results in deaths of citizens and moral decay of youths in the society.

THE ETHICAL CHALLENGE…..just as we lost morality, so have we lost ethical consideration in the manner we conduct our affairs as individuals or groups. This includes even our professionals. Thus, those with the divine responsibility to deliver on fairness, equality and justice have suddenly turned careless about such ideals. Professional conduct is considered outdated. All we are after is to make money or to please supposed overlords.

THE SELF RELIANCE CHALLENGE…As young people, your biggest challenge is how to make your lives useful to yourself and the society you live in. it is a fact no government in the world can offer jobs to all qualified youth. The investment climate is also very weak so getting many investors is hard at this point in time. The most viable option left for you is to seriously consider exploiting your God-given talents and abilities to be self-reliant.

In this short discuss, I believe I was able to stimulate your thoughts, even though I may have annoyed you somehow. I may have also told you things you found unacceptable. These were nit my intentions, my intention is to tell you the truth and leverage on that to motivate you. This is because the greatest impediment to your success is you. Conquer yourself, conquer your fears, conquer your misgivings and the world becomes your stage to perform and succeed.
