Dauda Ndagi Kolo 

At the wondrous moment you were born, as you took your first breath, a great celebration was held in heaven and twelve magnificent gifts were granted to you. Whether you use them or not is up to you and whether you win or lose on planet earth lies in your hands.
 The gift is STRENGTH remember to call upon it when you need it in life`s battles.
The second gift is BEAUTY: may your deeds reflect its depth.
The third gift is COURAGE: may you act, speak and face life with courage, confidence and uncommon determination.
 The fourth gift is COMPASSION: Offences must come. Be gentle with yourself and others. Forgive yourself and forgive others daily, just keep forging ahead.
The fifth gift is HOPE: Through each passage and each season never lose focus. Never lose hope. The sixth gift is JOY: Pressure will not cease, fight depression. Laugh often, it is your birth right. The joy of the lord is your strength (Neh8:10) Never lose it.
The seventh gift is TALENT: There is a gift in you. May you discover your special abilities and contribute then towards making the world a better place to live.
The eighth gift is IMAGINATION: In life`s battles may it nourish your vision and dreams. Never stop imagining what you desire.
The ninth gift is REVERENCE: You are the king and the highest of all God`s creation. Appreciate the wonder and the miracle that you are.
The tenth gift is WISDOM:  Follow your heart. Wisdom is there as a guide. May you hear his voice?
The eleventh gift is LOVE: It will grow each time you give it away.
The twelfth gift is FAITH: Always believe that the best is yet to come. Reject depression, sorrow, confusion, doubt, heaviness, self-pity, self- condemnation, worry, fear and inferiority complex, e t c. Always be positive in God and you will rule your world. May your gifts show forth and may this generation rejoice that you are born.
